Known for its pioneering role in mobile phone development and manufacturing in the past decades, Salo is able to provide a highly skilled and experienced workforce for any scale of device manufacturing. With a wide network of potential cooperators and subcontractors available in the region, Salo provides a firm platform for world-wide success.
Globally acknowledged
development and
production hub
Salo offers outstanding possibilities for market-conquering growth in the field of digitalization. Since the early years of the 20th century, we’ve been at the global forefront of high-quality electronics production.
Globally acknowledged
development and
production hub
Salo offers outstanding possibilities for market-conquering growth in the field of digitalization. Since the early years of the 20th century, we’ve been at the global forefront of high-quality electronics production.
Proven track record in technology

SADE Innovations’
heart is in Salo
Expert services throughout
your company’s life cycle
The entrepreneurship service in Salo, Yrityssalo, provides comprehensive support and expert services for companies and entrepreneurs operating in Salo. Regardless of their industry, companies of all sizes can benefit from Yrityssalo’s services throughout the company’s entire life cycle.
ICT – Salo Iot Campus
Do you want to relocate your company to a high-technology campus? IoT Campus in Salo is a centre of excellence for high technology in which companies, researchers and educational institutions build a smarter future together. IoT Campus offers companies an international growth platform surrounded by Finnish high technology. Salo IoT Campus is a community of companies, scientists and educational institutions. Together, we are building technologies for a smarter future.There are still places left among the game changers – whether you are an IoT trailblazer or a stellar business service provider. Book a space for your company at the core of Finnish technological knowledge and take full advantage of Salo IoT Campus’ versatile premises, comprehensive services and active expert community.